What Is the Availability Status?

What is the profile availability status?

When you’re using Vygo, you can set your status to one of three options depending on your availability.

Not only does this allow mentors and mentees to take some well-deserved time away from the app and their screens, but it also allows better transparency when users are busy or away.

There are three types of statuses:

🟢 Available

🟡 Busy

🔴 Away

🟢 Available

Select this option when you are available and contactable with no limitations. Though other users will not be able to see your available status, they will be able to send you messages and session requests.

🟡 Busy

Set your status to busy when you want to be contacted only by users whom you have previously interacted with on the Vygo platform, such as someone you’ve already booked a session with. If you’re a mentor and you set your status to ‘Busy’, you will not pop in the browsing or search results of mentees who have not previously interacted with you.

🔴 Away

Vygo’s ‘Away’ status setting makes you unavailable to all users, including those with whom you have previously interacted. As a mentor, your profile will be removed from all new mentee program searches. Even mentees you have connected with already will be unable to send you messages or initiate session requests.

Note that if you are a Vygo user who wants to learn how to use this feature, ensure you read - How does a mentor/tutor operate their availability status?