Ideas for Program Events and Sessions

Theme Content
Topic-specific sessions
  • Host a topic-specific session in-person and online on a subject that aligns with the program's goals or interests.
  • Encourage mentees and mentors to discuss how the topic can help them achieve their goals.

Examples include:

  • Communication
  • Career planning,
  • Leading in diversity
  • Team building and collaboration
  • Conflict resolution
  • Resilience
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Networking
  • Personal development.
Meet n' greet: Get to know each other
  • Create a virtual icebreaker activity to help participants get to know each other.
  • Share interests and hobbies.
  • Utilise one of the 'recommended engaging platform add-ons' to ask participants questions and interact with each other.
Guest speakers and mini-workshops
  • Invite guest speakers to present on relevant topics to the program
  • Host interactive workshops on topics such as time management, study skills, and self-care.
  • Provide an opportunity for your members to ask the guest speaker questions
  • Q and A panels work well.
Levelling up your academic success
  • Share articles, videos, or podcasts related to academic success and motivation.
  • Encourage students and mentors to share their own experiences, success stories and perspectives.
  • Facilitate a discussion on the benefits of education and learning using one of the 'recommended engaging platform add-ons.'
Goal setting
  • Host an icebreaker activity in person and online to help mentees, and mentors get to know each other.
  • Guide students through setting SMART goals for the semester
  • Provide resources and tips for achieving goals - this would work well on MIRO.
  • Could you encourage mentors to check in periodically to track their progress?
  • Ask mentees to set at least one goal they want to achieve personally and professionally during the academic period and encourage mentors to help them achieve it.
Time management
  • Share time management techniques and tools.
  • Ask students to share their own tips and strategies.
  • Facilitate a discussion video call about common time management challenges and solutions. Alternatively, using Mentimeter would work well here.
Study skills
  • Starting the session with a study skills truth and myth buster icebreaker would work well on Mentimeter.
  • Provide resources and strategies for effective studying.
  • Encourage students to share their own study techniques and tips
  • Facilitate a discussion about study habits and best practices in the chat functionality, in-person, or using one of the 'recommended engaging platform add-ons'.
Fun and games
  • Plan a game night where participants can play virtual games and connect with each other. Play different board games, card games, and video games. This event can be a fun way to foster social engagement among students.
  • Host a themed trivia night where participants can test their knowledge and compete for prizes.
Social and community
  • Host a virtual cooking or baking class where participants can learn a new recipe and share their creations.
  • Organise a virtual book club where participants can read the book before catching up and discussing their thoughts within the session.
  • Plan a virtual talent show where participants can showcase their talents and skills.
Mental health and wellness
  • Invite a university or company guest speaker to discuss mental health and wellness and facilitate a discussion about self-care.
  • Organise a virtual fitness class or challenge encouraging participants to stay active.
  • Create a self-care kit, journal or resource and send it to participants.
Career and professional development
  • Invite alumni or professionals to discuss their career journeys and share advice with participants.
  • Host a virtual workshop where participants can learn about resume writing or job searching.
  • Set up a networking event where participants can connect with professionals in their field of interest.

Give back to the community.

  • Plan a virtual fundraiser for a local charity or organisation.
  • Organise a virtual volunteer event or service project.
  • Invite a guest speaker to discuss the importance of community service and volunteerism.
  • Share information about local volunteer opportunities that allow students to practice leadership skills while giving back to their community.
Role-playing and simulation exercises
  • Conduct role-playing exercises to simulate real-life situations where students can practice their English communication skills.
  • Provide feedback and guidance to students on their performance
  • Encourage peer-to-peer feedback and support
Coffee catch-ups

Invite members to meet up for an in-person or virtual coffee

  • Create conversation starter cards to start conversations
      • Example conversation starter questions
Speed friends
  • This event can be held in-person or online
  • If online, we suggest using breakout rooms.z
  • Have members connect with a new member every 5 minutes
  • At the end of your session, have members ensure they connect with each other on the Vygo platform
  • Ask the members a closure question using a word cloud 'what was the highlight of today's session.'
Q and A panels
  • Define the purpose and format of the event: Determine the main objective of your Q & A panel event, such as educating your members on a particular topic (mentoring, university, industry professionals etc.) or promoting a service. Decide on the format, including the number of speakers, the length of the event, and whether it will be held in person or virtually.
  • Choose your panellists: Select knowledgeable and engaging panellists who can speak on the topic of interest. It's important to have diverse perspectives and experiences represented to promote a robust discussion.
  • Prepare questions: Create a list of questions to guide the discussion and ensure all relevant topics are covered. You can also invite the audience to submit questions beforehand or during the event.
  • Set up the event: Make sure to have all necessary equipment and technology in place, depending on whether it's an in-person or virtual event. Ensure that the venue or platform can accommodate the panellists and audience.
  • Host the event: As the moderator, introduce the panellists and provide an overview of the event. Ask the prepared questions and encourage panellists to engage with each other and the audience. You can also use audience participation tools like polls or chat to engage the audience further.
  • Follow up after the event: Thank the panellists and attendees for participating and sharing any relevant information or resources discussed. Collect feedback from attendees to help improve future events.
Celebration and reflection
  • Host a virtual or in-person celebration event where participants can reflect on their experience and share feedback.
  • Award certificates of completion and have students share their favourite moments from the program. You could even create fun awards to give out to students.
  • Provide them with a survey to give feedback on the program and how it can be improved for future students.
  • Share a program recap on university social media platforms and encourage participants to stay connected.
  • Celebrate the achievements of the students and reflect on their experiences in the program.