How do I become a mentor myself?

Once you are a member of a certain program, you might like to become a mentor to share your knowledge and experience with others.

To do so, click into that program’s page by navigating to it through the ‘Your Programs’ header either through your dashboard or via the ‘Programs’ link in the top right menu.

In the two-columned box at the top of the 'program’s page, there will be a blue button that reads ‘You are a member’.

Click it, and the first option that appears in the drop-down menu will say ‘Become a mentor’. Some programs will automatically approve you, immediately changing your status to read ‘You are a mentor’.

Others will prompt you to answer a few questions to assess what you can help with and what your capabilities are. If your request to become a mentor requires approval from the program’s admin, you will be presented with ‘Pending Mentor Request’ until your offer has been approved.

Note: Mentors could be Buddies,Supporters,Tutors or anyone who is offering support to students in their academic journey!