How do I Create a Vygo Account?

So you’d like to join our vibrant community of mentors and mentees? A very warm welcome to you!

Get started by downloading the Vygo mobile app from your device’s app store. Alternatively, you can access our web app using an internet browser.

For more information about where and how you can use Vygo from, have a read of this helpful article.

To create a new account, click or tap on ‘Register Now!’, which is located at the bottom of the login page.

We’ll need to grab a bunch of your details, starting with your institution, which you can select from the drop-down menu. If your institution does not appear in the list, take a peek at this article for assistance.

Some of our partner institutions have enabled what’s known as Single Sign-On (SSO in hip internet speak), which will give you automatic access to Vygo.

If, however, your institution does not have this feature set up, you’ll need to manually enter the following:

  • Your first name.
  • Your last name.
  • Your email – note that some of our partners will only allow you to use your institution email address (such as [email protected]). If your institution has this policy and you try to use a different email address, such as your personal gmail, an error message will pop up saying, “You must use your university provided email address to register and verify.”
  • A password – we like Vygo to be as secure as possible, so users’ passwords need to be at least eight characters. They also need to include one lowercase letter (a-z), one uppercase letter (A-Z), one special character (!@#$%) and one number (0-9). Basically, you want a password that is easy enough for you to remember, but contains a few funky characters so that it’s impossible to crack.

After you’ve filled in all of the required information, click or tap ‘Register’ on the bottom of the screen.

Those who were able to register with SSO will be able to access the Vygo platform straight away. If you registered manually, you’ll first have to verify your email address so that we know for sure it’s you.

To do so, open up the inbox of whatever email account you signed up with. There should be a ‘Welcome to Vygo’ email from us – [email protected]. Open it and follow the prompts. Once we’ve verified your email address, the Vygo platform will be good to go and will automatically load. Your next step is to join any relevant programs as a mentor or mentee!

If for some reason you’re having trouble receiving a verification email from us, check out this useful article on email notifications.