What Makes a Great Mentee?

In becoming a mentee, you’ve already highlighted your willingness to take control of your learning and signalled a desire to absorb knowledge from the lived and learned experience of others. This demonstrates a commendable commitment to your personal and professional growth.

A good mentee knows how to ask questions and reach out for help, but they also have excellent listening skills, which allow them to receive it. Accepting constructive feedback can be tricky if you’re not used to taking helpful criticism on board, but adapting your pride to do so is such an important life skill that we expect mentees to be open to developing.

In having respect for the time and effort of your mentors, who pour immense energy into helping you achieve your goals, you need to have a strong work ethic and show initiative.

Mentoring works best when ongoing relationships of trust are formed, so we encourage mentees to be patient and flexible, and to take a long-term view of their learning – harbouring realistic expectations of where mentoring can take them.

As well as an open mind, you should be open to trying new things, exercises and modes of learning.

Honesty, trustworthiness and a clear commitment to being mentored are also essential.