What program settings and information are available?

As a member of a program, there are certain settings you will be able to change and information you can access.

From that program’s page – which can be reached via the ‘Your Programs’ header on your dashboard or through the ‘Programs’ link in the top right menu – click the blue ‘You are a member’ button.

A drop-down menu will appear presenting you with several options.

From here, you can edit your membership questions – changing the responses you shared when you first joined the program. For instance, say when you joined a Numeracy program you needed help with fractions and decimals, but now you only need help with decimals, you could navigate back to the program’s questions and modify your answers. That will then update the mentors who have been recommended to you.

Using that same drop-down menu, you can also view the program’s guidelines. Note that both these options will only appear if your program has guidelines for its members and asked them questions when they joined.

Program mentors will have access to a few additional options too. If your program has mentor guidelines and questions as well as member guidelines and questions, you will be able to access those from the same drop-down menu.

You can also click ‘Stop being a mentor’, which will remove you from the search and browse for a mentor interface and change your status back to just ‘member’.

Both mentors and members can also use this drop-down menu to exit the program altogether. To do so, select the last option, which reads ‘Leave the program’.