How Do I Complete a Session Rating?

At the end of a mentoring session, mentors need to mark that session as complete using the Vygo platform.

To learn how to do so, have a look at this informative article or follow the steps below:

  1. Once a session has been completed, a page will automatically pop up on both the mentor and mentee’s screens with the command ‘Rate this session’.

  2. From the pop-up window, choose a star rating out of five that accurately describes the mentoring session you just had. To make a selection, hover over the stars – they will light up. One star reflects the lowest level of satisfaction, and five stars indicate the highest.

  3. When you have made a star selection, click 'Continue'.

  4. You will then be prompted to review the session or add comments. Here is a helpful article on 'What are session reviews?’

Note: The ratings that mentors receive show up on their profile, averaged as a percentage. The ratings that mentees receive are not displayed on their profile; however, that data is collected by both their Program Manager and Vygo’s backend database.

If you are still having trouble understanding Vygo’s session scoring system, check out this article entitled ‘What are session ratings?’